Using On Board Diagnostics in my Suzuki Swift

Every car produced after 1996 is fitted with an On Board Diagnostic (OBD2) port. It’s used by technicians to check the health of your car and to see what parts are failing. Nowadays you can do more with your OBD2 port, for example use it while driving to show more information about your

By |2010-10-15T09:43:23+02:00October 14th, 2010|General|0 Comments

Verslag van ons trouwen

Op vrijdag 10 september was onze dag en om jullie alvast een beetje te laten meegenieten hebben we het boek dat de ouders van Patricia hebben gemaakt online gezet. Je kunt het downloaden door te klikken op de afbeelding hierboven of de link hieronder. Er volgen later nog meer foto's! Bezoek onze trouw-website

By |2018-07-12T21:17:26+02:00September 27th, 2010|General|0 Comments

My locations this week according to Google

According to Google these are my whereabouts of last week. Looks like I'm going in circles? Actually it's pretty correct, depending on the traffic jam I select a route. Without the traffic jam I use the highway, if not I use the smaller roads. You might wonder what I use to achieve this. It's pretty

By |2010-07-31T22:23:10+02:00July 31st, 2010|General|0 Comments
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