In my quest to find the most suitable home automation server I stumbled upon the Asus EEE Box. A tiny PC featuring a 1.6 Ghz Intel Atom processor, 80 Gb harddisk and 1 Gb of memory. The performance of the machine is perfect to make it a nice server for home use.
It arrived in a well designed box and everything was crystal clear, well done Asus! An other reason to choose this server is the fact that it uses a maximum of 20 Watts of power and because it’s always on this saves money the environment. The blog you are currently reading is hosted from this Asus EEE Box, please view the phpsysinfo here.
Besides nothing but positive feedback on the Asus EEE Box I found the harddrive rather slow. And also because I store all my media on my server I decided to upgrade with two 1 terrabyte Western Digital My Books. One for active usage and one for backup.
More information:
* Asus EEE PCÂ / Live system information
* Western Digital My Book
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