Saturday, 1st of March, the Whisky festival for the North of The Netherlands. The place to be ofcourse if you enjoy live to the fullest. With three friends we visited the festival which was helt in a church. Whisky…church…hmmm….anyway, for the festival it didn’t matter, it was great!
First we went to a small restaurant that had prepared a special whisky diner including matching whisky to drink and enjoy. The food was superb and the host definatly knew what she was talking about, food and whisky wise. The restaurant is located in the city Groningen and called ‘De Benjamin’.
There were probably some 25 (I lost track…) different distillers at the festival which all served their whisky and they all had a story about their whisky. Although I went to the festival to see small distillers I was surprised by Glenfiddich. The presentor had a really good story about whisky and thought us some need tricks on how to recognize what ingredients are used and how the whisky was aged.
If you like whisky or like to learn it, it’s a good idea to visit the next festival!
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