Bling bling! The LG KE970 Shine! I bought it today in Rotterdam. The new phone by LG. It has a full metal body and the screen is like a mirror. In one word, BLING ! :) My first comment after investigating it for an hour. The phone itself has a solid framework, the sliding mechanism has no leeway. The keys are also easy to handle and the backglow in blue.
I used to have a Siemens S65 and I was afraid that I had to ‘relearn’ this new phone as I was very attached to my Siemens, but actually it was all very simple. I truly love the screen, it’s very bright. Navigating through the phone is also a piece of cake.
What I don’t understand is that it has two USB modes, one for file-sharing and one for synchronizing phone numbers, tasks, etc… You can’t do both at once it seems. Another strange thing is that I can’t find the possibility to store addresses (streets, zipcodes, cities, etc…). But besides that, it’s a great phone!
 Wednesday, 14th of March, 20:45
It’s been a few days since I purchased the phone. A few things that keep puzzling me are:
Storing addressses
I can’t find a way to store addresses (street, zipcode, city, etc…) very annoying because I use the phone in conjunction with my GPS.
Micro SD Card
You can add a micro SD card, so I bought a 2 Gb card, but that does not seem to have any realy usage. I wanted to use it for playing MP3s, but you can only play MP3s if they are stored on the phone itself and the phone only has a 50Mb memory. So you keep swapping between phone memory and SD card, too much work! The weirdest thing is that you can play from the SD card, but then you can only play one song at a time. The phone does not play the next song automatically, press next…press next…
Email capabilities
Email…well, dissapointed! It keeps on giving me time-outs. Okay, I have a large emailbox, so? It wasn’t a problem on my previous phones. Further more, it says it has push mail capabilities (like the Blackberry), doesn’t work properly either. LG peope, don’t you test these things???
Synchronizing Outlook
I don’t seem to be the only person who is irritated by the missing synchronization software. LG delivers a program called LG GSM Sync, but that’s hardly an excuse for a proper Outlook synchronization program. What it does is import and export your Outlook data from or to the phone. It does not synchronize!
Java games
Storing your own java games on the phone? Can’t find it. You can only buy them online and then you can play them. Well I have lots of games that I want to transfer to the phone. I can transfer them, but the phone refuses to open them.
Viewing movie
Viewing a movie? Same problem as the java games but even worse. I thought it would be nice to convert a movie to 3GP format and then view it full screen on the LG KE970 Shine. Turns out you can only view movies on like 1/3 of the screen. Weirdest thing is that you can record movies and shoot pictures full screen, but viewing them full screen, not possible.
LG people, I think you definatly need to send me an update of your phone software. The phone itself is great, it handles well, it feels well and as a phone it works nicely. But I expect more of such a nice shiny device.
Hey Ebo,
Dus ook aan het bloggen geslagen! Jaja, de digitalisering gaat gewoon door, dat mag ook wel eens gezegd worden … En wat betreft LG: mooi spul hè?
Cu, Wybren
Haha, geweldig Ebo! Echt iets voor jou, lijkt me! Gefeliciteerd :-)
En mooi dat je ons op deze manier laat meedelen in jouw bling-bling-vreugde!
Fijn weekend!
Groetjes, Mathilde
Thanks for sharing your knowledge. This is very useful.
For MP3 on external memory.
Put your song in folder sounds/MP3.
They now show up in player.
Cannot use sub folders :(